Partner / Participating Government Agency Guide

A PGA is any government agency with its own set of rules and regulations for importing a commodity. Most importers typically encounter a PGA in what Customs refers to as a ‘referral for exam’ or ‘PGA hold,’ depending on the relevant agency’s country. These are the terms used to describe when an agency has instructed the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) or Customs and Border Protection (CBP) to delay an import for an additional compliance check.

Knowing what each PGA requires before reaching Customs can go a long way toward a smooth and effortless import process.

PCB can help you identify relevant PGAs and provide guidance on how best to meet their requirements. 

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What Can We Do For You?

PCB can help you navigate through these PGA regulations. First, we review your commodities and determine if they have any associated PGAs; then, we can help you take the necessary steps to bring those imports into compliance with that PGA’s regulations. Once informed and compliant, we can help you with best practice advice for ensuring a smooth and effective crossing now and into the future.

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Benefits of a PGA Review:

Determining what a PGA can mean for a Customs crossing is a vital first step towards an easy import, but exactly what they want and what form they need it in can be a frustrating proposition. Requirements surrounding proper forms, certificates, licenses, and special declarations can delay your import, which means additional costs and fees. The primary benefit of a PGA review is the confidence you receive, knowing that you are compliant with the appropriate agencies and have exactly the documentation your shipment will need well before it ever reaches Customs.